CERC Grant of Connectivity Regulations

The CERC has issued Grant of Connectivity, Long term Access and Medium-term Open access in inter-State transmission system regulations dated 7th August 2009. The primary purpose of these regulations is to lay down the procedural requirements of making an application; processing of applications; and other conditions with regard to Grant of Connectivity, Long term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State transmission system.

Grant of Connectivity Regulations, 2009

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Resolution By
Notification No. and date
No.–L-1/(3)/2009-CERC dated 7th August 2009
Lays down the procedural requirements of making of an application; processing of applications; and other conditions with regard to “Grant of Connectivity, Long term Access and Medium term Open Access in inter-State transmission system.
Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009
Nodal Agency
Central Transmission Utility
[clause 4]
Grant of Connectivity
1. The application for connectivity shall contain details such as, proposed geographical location of the applicant, quantum of power to be interchanged and quantum of power to be drawn in the case of a bulk consumer, with the inter-State transmission system and such other details as may be laid down by the Central Transmission Utility
2. On receipt of the application, the nodal agency shall, in consultation and through coordination with other agencies process the application and carry out the necessary interconnection study
3. While granting connectivity, the nodal agency shall specify the name of the sub-station or pooling station or switchyard where connectivity is to be granted
4. The applicant shall sign a connection agreement with the CTU or ISTS licensee owning the sub-stationas identified by the nodal agency where connectivity is being granted
5. The grant of connectivity shall not entitle an applicant to interchange any power with the grid unless it obtains long-term access, medium-term open access or short-term open access
[clause 8]
Application for long-term access
1. The application for grant of long-term access shall contain details such as name of the entity to whom electricity is proposed to be supplied or procured along with the quantum of power and other details as may be laid down by the CTU
2. The applicant shall submit any other information sought by the nodal agency to enable the nodal agency to plan the inter-State transmission system in a holistic manner
[clause 12]
Application for Medium-term Open Access
1. The application for grant of medium-term open access shall contain such details as may be laid down under the detailed procedure and shall, in particular, include the point of injection into the grid, point of drawal from the grid and the quantum of power for which medium-term open access has been applied for
2. The start date of the medium-term open access shall not be earlier than 5 months and not later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which application has been made
[clause 19]
When for the reason of transmission constraints or in the interest of grid security, it becomes necessary to curtail power flow on a transmission corridor, the transactions already scheduled may be curtailed by the RLDC
[clause 25]
Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
1. Scheduling of all transactions pursuant to grant of long-term access and medium-term open access shall be carried out on day-ahead basis in accordance with the Grid Code
2. Based on net metering on the periphery of each regional entity, composite accounts for Unscheduled Interchanges shall be issued for each regional entity on a weekly cycle
[clause 30]
Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
a. dated 03-09-2010
b. dated 21-03-2012
c. dated 26-03-2013
d. dated 12-08-2014
e. dated 15-05-2015
f. dated 17-02-2017
g. dated 09-01-2019
CERC Grant of connectivity Regulations, 2009 (1st Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
No-L-1/(3)/2009-CERC dated 3rd September, 2010

No Amendment

Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2010

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Grant of Connectivity
Provided that where after filing of an application, there has been any material change in the location of the applicant or change in the quantum of power to be interchanged with the inter-State transmission system, by more than 100 MW or 40% of the Installed capacity or 40% of the aggregate Installed capacity, such an applicant shall make a fresh application, which shall be considered in accordance with these regulations
[clause 8.1]

Application for long-term access
No Amendment

Application for Medium-term Open Access
No Amendment

No Amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

CERC Grant of connectivity Regulations, 2009 (2nd Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
No.–L-1/(3)/2009-CERC dated the 21st March, 2012

No Amendment

Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters)( Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Grant of Connectivity
A unit of a generating station, including a captive generating plant which has been granted connectivity to the grid shall be allowed to inject infirm power into the grid during testing before its COD for a period not exceeding six months from the date of first synchronization after obtaining prior permission of the concerned RLDC
[clause 8.7]

Application for long-term access
The construction of augmentation of the transmission system may be taken up by the CTU or the transmission licensee in phases corresponding to the capacity which is likely to be commissioned in a given time frame after ensuring that the generating company has released the advance for the main plant packages
[clause 12.1]

Application for Medium-term Open Access
No amendment

No amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No amendment

CERC Grant of connectivity Regulations, 2009 (3rd Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
No.L-1(3)/2009-CERC dated 26th of March 2013

No Amendment

Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2013

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Grant of Connectivity
Application by the applicant shall be considered by CTU only if the existing generating station agrees to act as the "Principal Generator" on behalf of the renewable energy generating station(s) seeking connectivity through the electrical system of the generating station
[clause 8.1]

Application for long-term access
No Amendment

Application for Medium-term Open Access
No Amendment

No Amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

CERC Grant of connectivity Regulations, 2009 (4th Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
No. L-1/(93)/2009-CERC dated 12th of August 2014

No Amendment

Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2014

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Grant of Connectivity
a. Drawal of Start-up power shall not exceed 15 months prior to the expected date of first synchronization and 6 months after the date of first synchronization
b. Injection of infirm power shall not exceed six months from the date of first synchronization
[clause 12.7]

Application for long-term access
No Amendment

Application for Medium-term Open Access
No Amendment

No Amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

CERC Grant of connectivity Regulations, 2009 (5th Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
No.L-1/(3)/2009-CERC dated 15th of May, 2015

Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2015

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Grant of Connectivity
The application by the applicant shall be considered by CTU only if the Solar Power Park Developer is authorised by the Central Government to undertake infrastructural activities including arrangement for connectivity on behalf of the solar power generators
[clause 8.1]

Application for long-term access
No Amendment

Application for Medium-term Open Access
No Amendment

No Amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

No amendment

CERC Grant of connectivity Regulations, 2009 (6th Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
No.–L-1/(3)/2009-CERC dated the 17th February 2017

No Amendment

Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2017

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Grant of Connectivity
The dedicated transmission line from generating station of the generating company to the pooling station of the transmission licensee (including deemed transmission licensee) shall be developed, owned and operated by the applicant generating Company
[clause 8.8]

Application for long-term access
No Amendment

Application for Medium-term Open Access
No Amendment

No Amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
In case it is observed by RLDCs that the LTA or MTOA customer’s request for scheduling is consistently (for more than 5 days) lower than the quantum of LTA or MTOA granted by the Nodal Agency (i.e.; CTU), RLDC may issue a notice to such LTA or MTOA customer asking the reasons for such under-utilization. The un-utilized transfer capability will then be released for scheduling of Medium term and Short-term open access transaction depending upon the period of such underutilization.
[clause 16B]

CERC Grant of connectivity Regulations, 2009 (7th Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
No.–L-1/(3)/2009-CERC dated 9th January, 2019

No Amendment

Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2019

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Grant of Connectivity
1. Provided that where after filing of an application, there has been a material change in the location or in the quantum of power to be interchanged with the inter-state transmission system, by more than 100 MW or 40% of the installed capacity, whichever is less and 100MW or 40% of the aggregate installed capacity, whichever is less, such an applicant shall make a fresh application, which shall be considered in accordance with these regulations
[clause 8.1]
2. Projects based on storage source (s) shall apply for connectivity for the quantum of maximum injection or maximum drawal whichever is higher and shall sign separate agreement for both injection and drawal of power
[clause 8.1A]

Application for long-term access
Not withstanding anything to the contrary in the Procedure, Stage-II Connectivity shall not be a pre-requisite for applying for LTA
[clause 12.1A]

Application for Medium-term Open Access
No Amendment

No Amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
A person shall not transfer, assign or pledge its connectivity or LTA either in full or parts and the associated rights and obligations to any other person
[clause 8A]